Fitness to Practise Resources
Fitness to Practise Resources for Health & Care Professionals Read our Reviews ⭐Why healthcare professionals trust us- An in-depth look at Remediation in Fitness to Practise
- An in-depth look at Insight in Fitness to Practise
- An in-depth look at Reflection in Fitness to Practise
- Responding to Fitness to Practise Allegations – 10 Things to Consider
- Sexual misconduct and doctors – A brief Overview
- Dishonesty & Fitness to Practise
- Should you engage with your regulator during a fitness to practise investigation?
- Fitness to Practise: Confidentiality and Data Protection
- Fitness to Practise in the Present Tense
- Responding to an Interim Order Extension Application
- When should you seek legal advice during a fitness to practise investigation?
- Misconduct in Fitness to Practise
- Fitness to practise & do’s and do not’s of using social media
- Indemnity Cover and Fitness to Practise
- Fitness to Practise and Adverse Health
- “Accepted disposals” in fitness to practise cases
- Successful restoration case before the NMC
- GMC Investigations – Doctor’s Questions Answered
- GMC Restoration
- The GMC’s “Realistic Prospect Test” & why it matters
- When is a doctor’s history relevant to a GMC fitness to practise investigation?
- GMC Interim Sanctions – Your questions answered
- The GMC is calling. What doctors should do.
- What are GMC Rules 7 & 8?
- GMC Interim Orders Tribunal Representation
- Interim Orders Tribunal – Appeal or Review?
- Convictions, cautions, determinations and the GMC – what you need to know
- Reflective Statements
- Adverse Inference in MPTS Proceedings
- Breaches of conditions or undertakings – advice for doctors
- Contextual factors in GMC fitness to practise investigations
- MPTS Hearings and Attendance by Doctors
- GMC Investigation Committee – A Doctor’s Rights Explained
- Responding to GMC Provisional Enquiries
- Doctors, adverse health and fitness to practise
- Employer Referrals – What doctors should know
- Understanding the GMC’s 10 deadly sins
- GMC’s five-year rule
- Fitness to Practise – Reflection, Insight & Remediation for Doctors
- Conflicts of interest – Guidance for Doctors
- Doctor’s health, GMC self-referral and fitness to practise
- Things doctors can do to avoid a GMC referral
- General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) Restoration
- Fitness to practise implications when a pharmacy is the subject of enforcement action
- GPhC Voluntary Agreements – Worth Considering?
- GPhC registered pharmacies, enforcement and fitness to practise
- General Pharmaceutical Council’s Provisional Enquiries
- Fitness to practise implications when a pharmacy is the subject of enforcement action
- Restoration to the NMC register
- Early Admissions in NMC Investigations
- NMC Insight and Strengthened Practice
- NMC meetings and panels explained
- NMC Consensual Panels Explained
- “Trivial gifts, favours and hospitality” – Managing Conflict of Interests
- Responding to NMC Investigations – Allegations the NMC can consider
- How the NMC determines “seriousness” in fitness to practise
- Fitness to Practise – Reflection, Insight & Remediation for Nurses
- Contextual factors in NMC fitness to practise
- What does the NMC mean by fitness to practise “impairment”?
- Incorrect or Fraudulent Entries on the NMC Register
Disclaimer: These articles and guides are for guidance purposes only. The accuracy and relevance of the content were correct at the time of publishing, but may be subject to change or updates.
Kings View Chambers accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any action taken, or not taken, in relation to these articles. You must seek the appropriate legal advice having regard to your own particular circumstances.